Bull Vix Algorithm
- Monitors for Bullish Sentiment Anomaly (BSA)
- Recommends UVXY, VXX shares & call options which mimic CBOE volatility index (VIX) increases after a BSA occurrence
Bull Vix alerts to subscribers to trade Vix related instruments are powered by the BBT Algorithm. The algorithm has produced alerts for its subscribers to trade inverse S&P 500 index ETFs since 2018. For 12 months ended 8/31/2020 the BBT Algorithm produced a gain of 97.7% vs. S&P 500’s 18.8%. The table below depicts the win ratios for BBT’s signals to trade S&P 500 inverse ETF, SDS (77.7%) and UVXY (88.8%) during the 5-week periods after the occurrences of the BSA.
Since a Bullish Sentiment Anomaly (BSA) is a rarity with an average duration of 5-weeks, Bull Vix only offers ONE-TIME PAYMENT subscription offerings:
Subscriptions temporarily unavaiable.
Subscriptions are limited due to there being a limited amount of capital capacity to trade VIX related securities.
A subscription to Bear Trader is recommended for before and after a BSA occurrence.
The chart for the UVXY below depicts the potential leverage from trading the call options for VIX related securities. The spikes for the UVXY from its all-time lows after the occurrence of the Bullish Sentiment Anomaly (BSA) likely netted gains in excess of 1,000%, less than 60 days after the deployment of a disciplined call option trading strategy.
For more on weekly AAII Sentiment Surveys and why Bullish sentiment readings are a contrary indicator read the following articles:
A viewing of the video below about the versatile BBT algorithm which powers the Bull Vix, Bull & Bear Tracker and Bear Trader buy and sell alerts is highly recommended.
One-time payment subscriptions are limited due to there being a limited amount of capital capacity to trade VIX related securities.
A subscription to Bear Trader is recommended for before and after a BSA occurrence.